Tenant Participation

We are continually trying to encourage our tenants to take a greater interest and to participate in how Fyne Homes is run. If you have any ideas on how we can inspire our tenants to express their views and to take their part in the decision making process within Fyne Home, then we would like to hear from you at:


We want all our tenants to play as full and active a role as possible in the running of the Association. We also want to be sure that no tenant is excluded because of ethnicity, special needs, language difficulties, age, sexual orientation or disability and we will do all we can to ensure that any such barriers are removed.

Furthermore, we recognise that some of you live in more remote areas or areas where the Association only has a few houses and that this can also make it difficult for you to feel part of Fyne Homes or that you have the same opportunities as other tenants. 

Fyne Homes Ltd is very keen to receive feedback from our tenants and residents on our performance as your landlord and on the services we provide to you in the form of a Consultation Register. We also use the Consultation Register to get your views on new policies and on the review of existing policies.

The Consultation Register involves postal questionnaires to enable us, as your landlord, to get a clearer picture of how you view the service we provide at the moment and help to create a better service in the future.

If you would like to get register your interest, please contact Craig Baxter, Tenant Participation Officer who is based in our Rothesay office.