Meeting Housing Needs
- Invest in our properties through our programme of capital, cyclical and reactive maintenance
- Provide high quality new build properties in response to strategic housing priorities.
- Invest in energy efficiency measures in new and existing housing to address fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions
- Provide adaptations to enable tenants to remain in their homes when circumstances change

Meeting the needs and aspirations of our customers
- Identify and respond to aspirations and needs of tenants through effective engagement
- Ensure tenant satisfaction and effective handling
- Provide support to assist tenants to deal with the impact of Welfare Reform
- Ensure staff and committee have the skills, experience and abilities to meet the changing needs, issues and aspirations of customers
- Deliver support for social inclusion, employability and skills development opportunities in the wider community

Ensuring Value for Money
- Maintain affordable pricing structure for rents which provide adequate resources to deliver quality services and housing improvements
- Minimise void properties and mitigate against the negative impact of welfare reforms
- Maximise efficiency to provide value for money for our tenants and stakeholders
- Ensure high quality and affordability through effective procurement