Next Steps Programme
Sharon Donahue from the Tenant Infprmation Service (TIS) hosted an online meeting with Fyner Homes staff and tenants to discuss Fyne Homes Tenant Participation next Steps and the Tenant Participation Strategy for the next few years.
This is was an opportunity to reflect on what works for tenants and what changes may be needed to improve the customer experience.
Thank you to those tenants that took part.
If you wish to be part of our Scrutiny Group then please contact Craig Baxter 0345 6077117 or
Planned Scrutiny Events 2024/25
We will be conducting two Scruitiny events by the end of March 2025.
These will focus on our Corporate Plan and our Rent Policy.
If you would like to participate in these scrutiny events please contact Craig Baxter 0345 6077117 or
Estate Management Scrutiny 2023/24
In 2023 / 24, Fyne Homes looke at our Estate Management policy and procedure.
We looked at what works well and what we can do better so that the conditions in the local envirnoment meets the expectations of our tenants.
The findings are in the report below which was submitted to management
If you would like to participate in any future scrutiny events please contact Craig Baxter 0345 6077117 or
Settling In Visit Scrutiny 2023/24
Fyne Homes discussed with tenants how Settling In Visits (SIV) are conducted and if they can be improved for the benefit of tenants and staff.
The findings are in the report below which was submitted to management
If you would like to participate in any future scrutiny events please contact Craig Baxter 0345 6077117 or