Peter Wallace

Peter has been a Committee member since 2009 and has previously served as Chair and Vice Chair.  in 2022 Peter became the Argyll and Bute Council Representative on the Fyne Homes Management Committee, following his appointment as local councillor. 

Born in Edinburgh, Peter moved to the Island of Bute as a young child where he was brought up and educated, and has remained in the community for most of his life, apart from a brief spell while studying at the University of Paisley where he received a BA (hons) in Business and Management.

Peter runs a floor covering business on the island where he lives with his wife and three children.  He is actively involved in his local church as a Trustee. He presents a music show on local community radio, Bute Island Radio, where he also serves as Secretary

Peter has served as Secretary of Bute Community Council for seven years, ensuring that the views of local people are represented at all levels of government - as well as to public and private bodies. 

peter wallace