Partnership Working

Fyne Homes are proud to work with many partners including Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue, DWP, Citizens Advice, MS Argyll, The Lade Centre, Kintyre Link Club to name but a few.

Any importnat information on their services will be published here.


Police Scotland are proud to be supporting with their campaign, The Art of Impersonation. Over the past week we have had several reports like this from residents in Argyll and Bute, most commonly is a call from someone pretending to be from your bank.

Criminals are experts at impersonating people and organisations we trust, such as the police, your bank, a delivery or utility company, friends and family, communication service provider or a government department such as HMRC.

They spend hours researching you for their scams, hoping you’ll let your guard down for just a moment. However, there are things we can all do to protect ourselves.

If you receive a message from someone asking for your information or money, always remember to Stop, Challenge, Protect.

Ask yourself if the request could be a scam?

Verify the request directly on a known phone number or in person first. It may feel awkward checking with friends or family but they’ll be grateful that you are helping to protect them and yourself. It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

Your bank or the police will never ask you to transfer money to a safe account or contact you to ask for your full PINs, passwords or passcodes.

 If you are in Scotland, please report to Police Scotland directly by calling 101 or Advice Direct Scotland on 0808 164 6000.


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