Our Performance

We value the feedback we receive through complaints and use it to better our services. We report our complaints performance quarterly to our Management Committee, in our newsletter and annually via our Annual Report.

We believe it is importnant for our tenants and service users to know how we are preforming. Our lastest performance for the quarter is shown below, more detailed information regarding our complaints performance can be found within in our Annual Reports.

Complaints Q2

Complaints Glossary

Service Improvements

Fyne Homes strives to learn from customer feedback, detailed below are some of the key actions that have been implemented across Fyne Homes because of customer feedback. 

                                    File:Leanne Walker- Speech bubble - Free to use (50301047341).jpg -  Wikimedia Commons

                YOU SAID

                                                                  File:Leanne Walker- Speech bubble - Free to use (50301047341).jpg -  Wikimedia Commons

                                  WE DID

You felt the correct complaint process was not being adhered to resulting in dissatisfaction and causing a delay is resolving the issue


We have scheduled training with all staff members to ensure the correct process is being adhered to, this will be ongoing and staff will periodically receive refresher training. 

Estate Management visits are not being carried out


Fyne Homes have spoken with the individual staff member and reminded all staff of the need to carry out their estste management duties. This will be monitored by the heads of departments 

You said that actions agreed by yourself and Fyne Homes were being acted upon or complete


Fyne Homes has introduced a complaints working group along with an action tracker to ensure actions are being followed up and completed