Aids and Adaptations

Fyne Homes may be able to assist a tenant or other resident in the property who has a disability, illness or medical condition to have their home adapted or special equipment fitted, to help them remain in their existing home and live safely and independently.

To commence this process you will first of all have to contact your local Occupational Therapist (OT) who will visit your home to assess your needs. A referral will then be sent  to the Association recommending what adaptations, if any, are necessary.

When the referral is received it may be a requirement for the contractor to visit your property in order to assess what work is required and it may also require input from specialist contractors.

Depending on budget restrictions, once a cost has been received for an adaptation, it will either be instructed or put onto a waiting list until such times Fyne Homes are in a position to carry out the work.

At all times Fyne Homes focus will be on the clients’ needs and to ensure high standards are maintained a member of our Technical Services team will liaise with you and the contractor to ensure the works are carried out in a smooth and efficient manner.

Access Ramp - Adapted Property

Level Access Shower - Adapted Property